David, a 20-year-old man, is dying. His older brother, Michael, who has Down’s syndrome, spontaneously joins the family’s hands together. This physical action is the first of many occasions when he enriches situations and is the central them of this book.
Today, the antenatal test for chromosomal abnormalities is widely available and there is a potential for aborting babies with Down’s syndrome. This book contributes to the debate about society’s conflicting views of people with disabilities and, although written by a Christian, will interest people of any faith, and none.
“A touching account of how the distinctive gifts of a person with learning disabilities transform those around them”
Chris Bemrose, former General Secretary of L’Arche International
“The title of this book makes a bold claim, but those of us who were priveled to know MIchael Lahiff during his comparatively short life will know that it is true. This book is a brave and preceptive description of on family’s response to disability and tragedy”
The Very Reverend Nicholas Frayling, Dean Emeritus of Chichester
“We have much to discover what it means to see ourselves and others made in the image of God. This book and Michael assist us in this journey of discovery”
The Rt Red & Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullaly DB”, Bishop of London