And that’s an ofsted outstanding school!!

Mum says ”

I went for a meeting with her teacher.
It ended after two minutes, as her teacher says: “She doesn’t know much about left handedness and would have to research it. It’s not a problem as the only reason …..s hand hurts writing essays is that they write more in year 6.ย Her hand hurts after doing lots of marking”
So they don’t know and don’t care.
Especially as ……ย  is the only left hander in the class.
And that’s an ofsted outstanding school!!
It beggars belief that there is still such ignorance! Not that it is the teacher’s fault as it is not part of Initial Teacher Training and the National Curriculum only views it asย  “NON-statutory” in the handwriting section!

Left โ€˜n Write is the online retailer of left handed stationery, tools, utensils and left handed writing books and Teacher/Parent training.

We have over 25 years experience and have written the โ€œLeft Hand Writing Skillsโ€ and โ€œSo You Think Theyโ€™re Left-Handed?โ€ book, as well as designing the โ€œWritewellโ€ mats. For left-handed products, educational advice and training, both in person and by Interactive video download, we are the number one web site!

Registered Office

** Please note: this is our registered business address and NOT a shop. We now only trade online. **

Left n Write Ltd
5 Deansway


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